2024 prices on pause for 2025.
150 Mbps just £23.99/month.
YOUMESH improves Wi-Fi coverage in every room.
Wall to wall, top to bottom, in every nook, every cranny. If you can’t get a signal with YOUMESH, your phone (or whatever device) is dead. RIP.
The next generation of home phone.
Landlines. Does anyone use them these days? But YouPhone, well that’s a whole other story. For starters it’s VOIP - a Very Obviously Impressive Phone.
(Actually, it really means Voice Over Internet Protocol). Once you learn more, you’ll know it’s time to say goodbye to ye olde landline.
Please call on us anytime. And when we say call, we mean phone. We’ll actually answer. You can email too, or try one of those online chat things. No bots, talk with flesh and blood humans.